Air and water: Philip Seibel and Leo Arnold - Curated by Ted Targett

In line with the government guidelines, 'Air and water' is viewable from behind the glass front of Kupfer. If you’re out walking, or on a cycle, we gladly invite you to come see the exhibition of new works by Philip Seibel and Leo Arnold.

Life is unimaginable without them – yet the imagination hardly gives them roomspace. The fixtures and fittings of our worlds: we think only of their function, hardly ever their form.

For Philip Seibel and Leo Arnold there is much more to them than meets the eye. Pools of reflection glinting on porcelain sinks – which Leo paints in muted hues of pinks and purples – or the immaculate plastic sheen on Philip’s air-conditioning unit, here made with meticulous layers of lacquers on MDF: these inconspicuous receptacles become captivating subject matter for them to work with. And since they moderate the flow of air and water, perhaps they’re not so banal and quotidian after all. By painting, sculpting and carving, both Philip and Leo transpose these dependable appurtenances into intricate, malleable surfaces, and perhaps into something as spiritual and essential as air and water itself.Do you notice them now?

Philip Seibel (b. 1980, Hagen, Germany) lives and works in London and Berlin. Exhibitions include solo show at Magenta Plains, NY (upcoming), duo show at ‘Josey’, Norwich (upcoming), ‘Condo’, Union Pacific (2020), ‘The Yellow Mill’, Soyuz, Pescara (2019), ‘Houseworming’, Sundy, London (2019), ‘Pulmonary Tales’, Pozee Two, London (2019) and ‘Sie machen was sie wollen’ at Gallery Boris Georgiev, Varna (2019).

Leo Arnold (b. 1993, U.K.) lives and works in Amsterdam. Exhibitions include: 'Buning Brongers Prize', Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, NL, (2020), 'The Offspring', De Ateliers, Amsterdam, NL, (2020), 'Glass Houses', McBeans, East Sussex, UK, (2020), 'Koninklijke Prijs Voor Vrije Schilderkunst 2019' (Royal Award for Modern Painting 2019), Royal Palace, Amsterdam, NL, 2019, 'All In Green My Love Went Riding', Giardino dello Zuccaro, Dorsoduro, Venice, IT, (2019), 'Desire Lines', Light Eye Mind, London, UK, (2018), 'Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Flavour (On The Bedpost Overnight)?', J Hammond Projects, London, UK, (2017), 'Pendolino', New Glasgow Society, Glasgow, UK, (2016), 'New Scottish Artists', DRAF, London, UK, (2016).