Interlude: Hannah Archambault, Jack Evans, Simon Job, Lucy Neish, Max Petts and Fa Razavi | Curated by Kollektiv Collective

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Interlude is an exploration of the playful un/finished, in/complete and in/between. Landing at the edge of formal integrity and normative completeness, the exhibition ponders the possibilities and implications of escaping from the fatality of an endpoint. What are the markers rendering an artwork, an exhibition, or any other form of expression truly complete? Why is this supposed finishing line imperative, almost sacred? To not finish an assignment or put aside a project is commonly read as failure – failure to produce, failure to achieve. Welcoming the unexpected potentialities hidden behind the desire for comfort, control and conformity, Interlude proposes an open-end, if any at all, rendering the certainty of final composition obsolete. Presenting works that may or may not be finished, the exhibition aims to confront an underlying societal longing for wholeness. 

Interlude is a site-specific and circumstantial exercise of spontaneity and what it means to produce work under the constraints of linear time. The exhibition is curated by Kollektiv Collective who take inspiration from the specificities and context of a given space, and consider the circumstances and constraints tied to their respective project. As such, Interlude came together within the last four weeks and is thus in itself an intermediary, a temporary in-between, an interregnum that connects the previous and the successive Kupfer exhibitions by mere virtue of time and space. Thus, the exhibition – in itself a creative project that will only ever exist in an imperfect and thus supposedly unfinished state – echoes in the artworks themselves, with each piece reflecting on this mode of production and the (un)certainty of artistic completion. And as Susan Sontag wrote, “Something like the dread of being stopped prematurely lies behind these…” 

Bringing together work by Hannah Archambault, Jack Evans, Simon Job, Lucy Neish, Max Petts, and Fa Razavi, Interlude imagines beginning and ending as co-existent in a temporality that is non-linear, fragmented and transient.